
The Indian Journal of Constitutional & Administrative Law (IJCAL) is a student-edited, peer-reviewed, open access, bi-annual law review. IJCAL seeks to encourage path-breaking research work in the fields of Constitutional Law, Comparative Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Constitutional Theory, and other ancillary subjects like Legal Philosophy and International Law, in order to revolutionize the traditional study of Constitutional Law in India.
The workshop is organized jointly by the European University Institute and the Finnish Academy research project Constitutionalism Reconfigurd (CORE). This workshop will pay special attention to the antagonistic relationship between populist politics and constitutionalism. The overall question that we will try to answer is what kind of legal mechanisms, strategies and arguments constitutions and constitutionalism provide to counter the rise of populism and the risk of authoritarianism. To what extent can resistance be based on existing institutions such as courts? Or should we refresh old theories such as militant democracy or constitutional patriotism?
The Research Group on Constitution-Making and Constitutional Change of the International Association of Constitutional Law in collaboration with the University of Nicosia, Department of Law and the Centre for European Constitutional Law – Themistocles and Dimitris Tsatsos Foundation are organizing a Conference on “Imposed Constitutions. Aspects of imposed constitutionalism” on May 5-6 2017 in Nicosia, Cyprus (University of Nicosia , 46 Makedonitissas Avenue, Engomi – Nicosia, Cyprus).
International Symposium, Monday, May 22nd 2017, Milan, Italy. The Symposium on ‘The Separation of Powers. A Global Constitutional Dialogue”, in memory of Prof. Bognetti, will host an international dialogue on the transformation of, prospects for, and challenges to the separation of powers in our contemporary setting. Invited scholars will offer a variety of perspectives on the separation of powers in legal scholarship. Drawing from country-specific and cross-national experiences with separation of powers, invited scholars will take comparative, doctrinal, historical, legal and theoretical approaches to the study of the idea of separation of powers.
24 May 2017, Pisa, Italy. This Symposium will convene a group of scholars to reflect on the history and evolution of the Constitution of Canada, on its written and unwritten dimensions, on its influence abroad, and on prospects for its reform. Submissions are invited from scholars of all levels—from senior scholars to doctoral students—on one or more of the following subjects. We invite participants to take any methodological approach they wish, including comparative, doctrinal, empirical, historical and/or theoretical perspectives.
The Research Group on Constitution-Making and Constitutional Change of the International Association of Constitutional Law, the University of Nicosia, Department of Law and the Centre for European Constitutional law invite submissions for a two-day Conference on Imposed Constitutions: Aspects of imposed constitutionalism, to be held on the campus of the University of Nicosia University on Friday and Saturday, May 5-6, 2017.

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